App to Communicate

Communication is so important! We keep parents/carers up to date through our communication and payment app.
It is essential that all parents/carers download the app. This is easily done from the App store or Google Play. Simply search for Ballyhenry Primary School. The app is free! You are also free to have other members of your family and child minders download the app as emails, newsletters, text messages and payments can all be done through this app.
Step by Step Set-up
- Download the Ballyhenry Primary School App
Google Link:
App Store Link:
- Enter the password: 11111
- Select the notifications you would like to receive (i.e. which class your child or children are in). So if your children are in P1, P4 and P7 click those classes and you will get updates from their teachers. This might be things like, “Remember your wellie boots.” “Class trip tomorrow” etc. Be sure to enable notifications so that you get these updates directly to your phone.
Payment Booking
Use this section to book and pay for the following:
- Breakfast Club
- Healthy Break
- Dinners (Paying only at this stage)
- B’Happy (P1 parents should use B’Happy Special hours between 12:00 and 2:00 if they require child care in September as well as regular B’Happy).
There will further deveoplements in this area in the future.
- Select the Booking you wish to make (there is a scroll down menu at the top).
- Select the relevant days (you can do this weekly, monthly termly)
- Go to cart
- Proceed to booking
- Enter your child’s name, class and payment method (PayPal)
- Press continue
- This will take you to PayPal where you can check out using your account or as a guest using your debit or credit card.
PayPal will acknowledge your payment and you are done!
Please note: You can only do one child and one item (i.e. dinners, B’Happy, Breakfast Club) at a time. The ePrinting Company is working on this and there should be a solution soon. In the meantime we would suggest booking at least weekly to save you time. It should not be too long until it is sorted.
We can now exchange information using our forms section. You can sign and return forms digitally. This will cut-down on our use of paper and ensure that there is a safe exchange of information.
- There is also a section for policies. This includes all the policies that we feel are relevant plus those that all schools are required to share with parents. We need to have a signed acknowledgement to confirm that you have read and understood these policies (see forms: Policy Acknowledgement). Remember that Policies can also be viewed here on our Website. Please complete this form at the start of each year to indicate that you have read the relevant policies.
All parents/carers must also sign:
- Intimate Care Permission
- Photo Permission
- Acceptable use of the internet.
- Parents/carer may also sign a consent form for P5 to P7 pupils giving them permission to walk home.
Medical Conditions/Special Diets
Anyone who has a long-term medical condition, requires medication or those who have a special diet must fill out the relevant form. This is required by the Education Authority.
AM1: Long-term medical conditions
This includes children with any medical conditions such as Asthma, ASD, ADHD, Heart Conditions, Mental Health Issues or rarer conditions. The Education Authority requires evidence of these conditions. Appropriate evidence includes doctor letters, diagnostic reports or a copy of a relevant current prescription. We are happy to photocopy these for you. We keep a record of all medication that the school agrees to give to a pupil.
AM2: This is a short-term medical condition
This includes conditions which require a child to take medication for a short-period time like infections that require antibiotics or pain relief medication. We keep a record of all medication that the school agrees to give to a pupil.
AM3: Self-Administration
We keep a record of all medication that the school agrees to give to a pupil.
This is for older pupils who are able to be responsible for keeping and using their own medication. Teachers do not keep a record of the use of medications held by pupils. It is important that children are aware of the importance of ensuring they know where their medication is at all times, when they need to take it and the importance of ensuring no one else has access to their medication. This is usually for pupils in P5 to P7 who regularly need to use an inhaler for asthma. We are happy to keep an extra inhaler for emergency purposes.
Special Diets
Anyone who has a special diet needs to complete this form. The kitchen is happy to cater for all dietary needs with the appropriate notification and evidence. This is an Education Authority Requirement.